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Decent work: A shared vision

Think Upstream
"Decent work is a shared vision, an agenda for change and a movement in Canada that public health practitioners can learn from, work with, and support to address the harmful consequence of hazardous work and precarious employment." -- National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health

The National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health has released a comprehensive and super useful guide to decent work from an intersectional standpoint. It provides an overview of the dimensions of decent work and issues, such as precarious and temporary work, that counteract our vision for decent work for all.

The resource guide is meant to be used to understand the health-related impacts of work conditions and employment conditions on individuals and populations; identify public health action at multiple levels to address decent work as a determinant of health; and facilitate discussion about health equity impacts of hazardous work and precarious employment throughout an individual's life course, across generations, and differentially between social identities (ex. gender, race, age, immigration status).

Click here to read more about this new resource and download the report.


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